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We are pleased to announce that on 22 October will take place the Live E-Forum “Critical infrastructures protection: the health sector” organized by the Ambasciata d’Italia a Praga and The Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky and in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency, the Center for Cyber Security and International Relations Studies_CCSIRS and the NÚKIB – National Cyber and Information Security Agency.
The discussion will be moderated by the director of the CCSIRS, Luigi Martino.
The panelist of the forum will be:

Roberto Setola, Full Professor of Automatic Control at the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma and Director of the second level Master in Homeland Security, Faculty of Engineering Campus Bio-Medico

Paolo Prinetto , Full Professor of Computer Engineering, Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica (CE Dept), Politecnico di Torino, Director Laboratorio Nazionale Cybersecurity (CINI)

Lukáš Pimper, Czech Cyber Attaché in Brussels

Pavel Minarik, Chief Technology Officer at Flowmon Networks

Petr Chmelar, Chief Research Officer at GREYCORTEX

Miroslav Sučík , Manager of the Security Department, Military University Hospital Prague

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